Hey there and welcome to my website!
My name is Kirill and it's so awesome to have you here. I ran this page because I'm really hoping to connect with people who get stoked on my pictures. Honestly, I'm just trying to convince myself that my creativity doesn't totally suck! But seriously, I put my heart and soul into this stuff and I'm always stoked to share it with others who appreciate it.
So thanks for stopping by and checking out my work! To be honest, I'm always looking for validation that my creativity is worthwhile, and I hope that you enjoy what you see.

How I open street photo
So, let me tell you about my first camera, the Canon 1100d. It was a decent starter camera, but when I started shooting weddings, I upgraded to the Canon 5d Mark II, which was my main camera. I had a whole bunch of lenses, too. Before I started making money, I used the first version of the 5d, which was also really amazing.
For a while, I even carried a spare camera with me, the Canon 50d. Looking back, it's funny to think about the giant bag of stuff I used to haul around. It was a huge, seven-kilogram bag, and half the stuff inside I didn't even need. I guess I was too oblivious at the time.
Anyway, after traveling around Europe a few times, I finally realized that I couldn't keep lugging around that heavy bag. So, I panicked and bought the Fujifilm X70. It's got a vintage vibe and reminds me of old-school film cameras. I discovered that I really enjoyed capturing moments and emotions on the street, and the best part was that I could just put the camera in my pocket and go for a walk.
That's pretty much how I got into street photography, and after that, I decided to focus more on personal projects instead of commercial shoots.

My Staff ©️ 2018

My inspiration
I’ve been lucky enough to travel to more than 25 countries and over 200 cities in my lifetime. It's pretty clear that I have a major passion for exploration and adventure! I've checked out some amazing spots like Iceland, Morocco, Uzbekistan, France, and more, which is a testament to my love for exploration and adventure. I have experienced different cultures, landscapes, and people. It's something that I take pride in. It's something that I take pride in.
While I was out there seeing the world, I met so many different kinds of people who were all feeling all kinds of emotions. It really opened my eyes to the beauty of humanity and inspired me to start capturing those little moments of everyday life. You know, like people out on the street, hanging out at a cafe, or chowing down at a restaurant. I'm super into street photography these days, and I get my inspiration from some of the greats like Saul Leiter, Rui Palha, Alex Webb, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Elliott Erwitt, Martin Parr, and Werner Bischof.

My staff
When it comes to photography, many novice photographers focus on choosing the camera, lens, or other technical equipment, hoping that it will make their photos better. However, the main lesson I learned in my practice is that it's not about what you shoot with, but what you capture in the frame. Ultimately, the essence of photography lies not in the technical side, but in how you convey your view of the world through your photos. It can be your passion, feelings, emotions, moments that make the viewer think, reflect, and feel. Regardless of what camera or lens you use, you can create beautiful photos if you have a sense of what you want to capture in the frame. So don't get stuck on the technical side of photography, but focus on what you want to convey through your photos.
Don't give a f*ck about your photo gear!